Cold Weather Application of Chinking

  1. First make sure the logs are above 40o F.
  2. You can use a surface thermometer for this.
  3. Try to keep the chinking at room temperature until used.
  4. Make the logs are free of frost.
  5. Tent out the walls with clear plastic and keep it warm with propane heaters then chink.
  6. Make sure there is air circulation so moisture doesn't form on the logs causing a washout. Some venting up high will help this problem.
  7. Leave the tent intact while chinking day and night.
  8. When finished chinking remove the plastic. This should be sufficient to let the chinking skin over and slowly cure.
  9. Due to the cold temperature it will take much longer than normal for the chinking to fully cure, but it will be fine if left undisturbed. Warn people to keep their fingers out of it for several weeks.

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